Friday, July 9, 2010

Modes of Discovery

From The Chronicle’s interview with Nicholas Carr:
We know that as human beings we love new information. … Because there's so much information at our fingertips, we can get stuck just constantly uncovering new relevant information and never stopping and actually reading and thinking deeply about any one piece of information.
Related, from the Christian Science Monitor, “Should your child be learning the art of slow reading?”:
Like the slow-eating movement, the slow-reading movement is focused on enhancing the elements of pleasure and discovery. Among other techniques, Newkirk favors a return to practices like reading aloud and memorization to help students "taste" – rather than fly by – the words that they read.
Also related, from The Times, “The Medium Is the Medium”:
The Internet-versus-books debate is conducted on the supposition that the medium is the message. But sometimes the medium is just the medium. … These different cultures foster different types of learning. … The Internet helps you become well informed … But the literary world is still better at helping you become cultivated, mastering significant things of lasting import.
Also relevant: Edward Ayers makes “The Case for Digital Scholarship” (The Chronicle) and Bob Stein envisions “Book 2.0” (NPR).